2019 is the 20th year anniversary of the devastating 17 August 1999 İzmit (Mw 7.4) and 12 November 1999 Düzce (Mw 7.4) earthquakes that ruptured segments of the North Anatolian Fault in the eastern Marmara region. Together with 1912 Mürefte Earthquake (M>7) that ruptured the Ganos fault to the west, the 1999 Izmit earthquake defines the boundaries of the Marmara Seismic Gap where a large earthquake (M>7) is expected to occur. Since 1999 earthquakes, the Marmara region has been a major interest for many earth scientists. Consequently, there have been numerous seismological, geodetic and marine studies carried out in order to better understand the characteristics of the offshore North Anatolian Fault.
23rd ATAG meeting aims to to gather earth scientists who have worked on the seismotectonics, geodetic and geophysical aspects of not only the Sea of Marmara but also other regions with similar tectonic settings.
The meeting’s main target is to provide a platform for researchers to share and discuss outcomes of active tectonic themed studies and establish new collaborations for future investigations.